Administrators have options for 20 hours = 2 days, 10 hours = 1 day or individual topics.
4-hour CEU for ARF ONLY)
Get ready for regional center(s) review of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
Do you and your ARF team understand how the HCBS Final Rule works with current laws & regulations of Residents’ Rights? Do you understand the correlation between HCBS regulations and Title 17 & 22 with resident rights?
Andrea Voras, BTSS, ARF Specialist, will be teaching this important regulatory compliance topic. Opportunity to ask questions and group discussion. Earn 4 CEUs towards your ARF administrator’s certification. Class is limited so register today!
Laws & Regulations of Resident Rights ARF#433-0401-28833 Subject Code: 01 Laws & regulations
Please note, if you have already taken Laws & Regulations of Residents Rights with us within last year, you will not be able to duplicate CEU hours. You can take this course for FYI purposes only.