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Posts tagged with: RCFE CEU


Mandated Reporting Regulations (2 CEU Hours)

9:00 am -11:00 am (2 hours) Mandated Reporting RCFE#433-0101-32192 ARF#433-0101-32193 Subject Code: 01 – Laws, regulations, policies, and procedures All states designate certain professionals as mandated reporters – some states......

Dementia/Memory Care August 28

Dementia/Memory Care 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Due to the Coronavirus, CCLD Administrator Certification Section will be allowing Webinars to be conducted and approved for LIVE/In-Person CEUs.  8 hour CEU......

Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Saturday, July 25th 10:00 – 12 pm (2 hours) Suicide Awareness and Prevention RCFE#433-0205-32191 RCFE 05- Community & Support Services ARF#433-0210-32190ARF 10 Nonviolent Emergency Intervention & Reporting Course Overview: Loss......

10 Hour ARF & RCFE CEU September 11 2020

Friday, September 11th   8:00 am- 12pm (4 hours) Resident Rights RCFE# 433-0401-28147    ARF#433-0401-28833 Subject Code: 01 Laws & regulations Course Overview: This 4-hour course meets requirements toward the......

10 Hour ARF & RCFE CEU August 8 2020

Saturday, August, 8th 8:00 am- 11am (3 hours) Best Practices for family involvement & dealing with dynamics RCFE# 433-0304-28334 ARF# 433-0304-28333 Course Overview: The purpose of this three hour course......

10 Hour ARF & RCFE CEU August 7 2020

Friday, August, 7th 8:00 am -10:00 am (2 hours) Cultural competency and sensitivity in LGBT issues RCFE#433-0214-34090 ARF#433-0214-34091 Subject Code: 14- Cultural Competency Course Overview: The purpose of this course......

Parkinson’s Disease 4 Hours

Parkinson’s Disease Saturday, August 22, 2020 9:00 am -1:00 pm (4 hours) Parkinson’s Disease: Implications for Empathic Care Course Approvals: RCFE# 433-0404-34387 ARF# 433-0404-34386 Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a type......

10 Hour ARF & RCFE CEU July 17, 2020

Friday, July 17th 8:00 am- 12pm (4 hours) Resident Rights RCFE# 433-0401-28147    ARF#433-0401-28833 Subject Code: 01 Laws & regulations This 4-hour course meets requirements toward the recertification program required......

Living Beyond a Stroke!

Living Beyond a Stroke! 9:00 am – 1:00 pm This course will be held online due to “Stay at Home” orders  LIVE Streaming counts toward In-person training hours The purpose......

Powerful Communication in the Care Setting 

May 19, 2020 Powerful Communication in the Care Setting 9:00 am -11:00 am  LIVE STREAMING Instructor will provide tips to delivering customer service through verbal and non-verbal communication. Emphasis on......