Administrators have options for 20 hours = 2 days, 10 hours = 1 day or individual topics.
Instructor(s) will discuss various topics over a 1-day period, 10 hours for the day. During these ARF & RCFE DSS approved CEUs, administrators will learn different subjects that will be helpful for their businesses and personal growth while caring for their residents. You do not need to purchase Microsoft Teams to log into the class.
Live-Streaming: Microsoft Teams: Saturdday, September 30, 2023
Program C
8am–12pm (3-hours)
Powerful Communication in the Care Setting
RCFE #433-0303-36611 ARF #433-0303-36612
Subject Code: 03 – Management & Supervision
11:00am-3:30pm (12-12:30 pm lunch) (4 hours)
Living Beyond Dementia: Implications for Empathic Care
RCFE#433-0422-33959 ARF#433-0404-33958
Subject Code:11 Alzheimer / Dementia RCFE
Subject Code: 06 Physical Needs ARF
3:30pm-6:30pm (3 hours)
Dealing with Grief as A Professional Caregiver
RCFE# 433-0304-35724 ARF# 433-0304-35723
Subject Code: 04 – Psych/social needs